Do you struggle to stay on the path?

Perhaps you skip a session and standstill?

Maybe, in a rush, you grab a quick bite that diverts you off course?

You know that you want to reach the end goal, and understand that it will feel great when you do.




But these tiny deviations can build up, and easily escalate into you moving further away from what it is that you want.

Consistency is a life skill. A skill that can be learned and applied to make the journey to any fitness goal easier. For those that fall off the path, acquiring this skill is the key to get you back on and moving forward.

It is easy to understand why we struggle with consistency.

For the vast majority of us, life isn’t all about this particular path. There is more to it, and it is constantly throwing distractions, obstacles, and pitfalls that make it longer, narrower and steeper.

Working late,

Wanting to spend time with loved ones,

Not having the energy.

Unfortunately, there is no quick route to the end. No single step will move you forward. It takes a series of steps over the entire journey.

We know that at times we will stand still, we will go in the wrong direction and we will fall back. In times like these, it's easy to forget about what you want to achieve, let the weight pile on, let the strength fade and fall victim to your situation.

Or you can shape your path.


Make it wider, lighter and easier to walk. Meeting any step back with two steps forward. Countering distraction with focus, problems with solutions and excuses with action.

We need to understand that to satisfy ourselves emotionally we often follow actions that we know aren't the best for us. We need to create an environment that directs our emotional side into making the right decisions.

For example, say you are looking to reduce your calories and know that you need to cut down on sweet sugary snacks.

In times of stress it can be difficult to say no to that delicious chocolate bar that you hid, but clearly, know exactly where it is (you were the one that hid it after all.)

So we need to shape our path when we are in a state of clarity. This may involve binning the sugary snacks you have at home or providing 'easy to grab' healthier alternatives. By doing this, we give ourselves far more room to make better decisions and reduce the chances of straying.


First off, this will happen - it happens to everyone. So don't beat yourself up about it. You just need to do one simple thing - own it.

You fell off track because you fell off track. It's a reasonable thing to do, so there is no reason to blame someone else, make an excuse or moan about it.

Why? Because NONE of those elements will get you back on track, and will only serve in shifting the ownership away from you and out of your control.

Instead, you are going to identify the reason you deviated from the plan and highlight it under the perspective that it was entirely your fault, and tougher still - you are going to believe it!

This puts you in an incredibly powerful position. One in which you are in control of the situation and able to find a solution. Own the problem, and you put the remedy in the hands of the only person you can control - you!

So for example. Let's say you work in a job where you often have to work later than anticipated. Where it is common to receive an email 5 minutes before you leave that keeps you at your desk for another hour. This happens to people all of the time and can be a real obstacle in getting in that gym session after work.

You can blame someone else as to why you skipped the gym.

"They should do their job better so I shouldn't have to clean up their mess and finish late."

See how fit that gets you.

Or you could own it.

"I missed the gym because I failed to create a contingency plan. I know this can happen, so I should have prepared better."

This is someone we can easily help.

You/We can create a workout for this exact circumstance, even if it is a 10 minute home workout that relieves you of the drive to the gym and saves on time. It may not accelerate you through the path as effectively, but it stops you standing still or falling back.

When you see fit people, that achieve their goals, you often see the same amount of obstacles, they just have more ownership over them.


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