Ah the pull up. Looks simple - sounds simple - but tough as nails.

Hang, likely from a bar - and pull yourself up.

For some reason, people think shifting your entire bodyweight should be easy. The truth is, many find it difficult to build up to one quality rep. Over the years, we have built a method to acquire that first rep, that is essentially a step of requirements you need to qualify yourself for, before moving to the next. It starts with being able to hang from a bar - it finishes with a pull up! There are many stages in between, but the point is - there is a clear path and pretty much everyone (yes, you!) should be seeking to do a pull up, or add more reps to what you already can do.

Even if your goal is to lose weight - the pursuit of a pull up can inform that goal. After all, its easier to pull yourself up if you are lighter!

No one has ever suffered from having this strength skill and building upon it!

Here is why the exercise is so beneficial.


The common lifestyle of being slumped over a phone/computer can lead to poor posture and a weak upper back. Enter the pull-up! This targets muscles that are often left unused and forgotten in day to day life. Not just awakening them, but also strengthening them can have you more upright and awesome. The target muscles of a pull up (back and biceps) are valuable assets in creating a strong looking shape to your body - and those that can achieve multiple reps consistently look, feel and function stronger.


You have your whole bodyweight in your hands. Get good with pull ups and your hands spend more time with this amount of tension going through them. Strong hands lead to a strong life and have huge transfer to other exercises.


Hanging is brilliant for your shoulders - not only does it open them up to a fundamental position of your arms going directly above your head - it also bears weight down get a nice ‘gravity pull’ on the shoulders - emphasising the stretch. By pulling up from this position, you get certain muscles strong in a position of length, giving your shoulders a wide range of strength, movement and stability.


Hung of a cliff edge? Say no more!


There’s a step by step guide to getting your first, and once you have one - there is a clear strategy to build on that number. You follow the process and you get results - its that simple. Super satisfying and you get a measurable return on your effort - EVERY SESSION!


To build these fast, you need frequency. You can’t work on them once a week and expect to make quick results. They need to be hit often and practice makes permanent - so make sure the time you put in, is high quality. You will increase your reps by consistently including them in your program.

If you can’t do a rep - be sure to drop us a message and we will let you know what the next step should be.