Do you get distracted?

Do you find yourself making time, but not using it effectively?

They say that showing up is half of the battle and its true. Never underestimate the difficulties of putting the time aside to train or to prepare your meals.

But the other half is yet to come, and without it, we have nothing. You can schedule your diary to perfection. Creating numerous opportunities to be better, faster stronger.

You can easily waste each one of them.

f you find yourself often distracted at the gym or with your nutrition. On your phone, in long conversations mid-workout, having session draw out for hours at a time. Then you lack focus. You will find yourself progressing at a reduced rate, if at all. You will struggle to hold yourself accountable and put yourself in situations that allow you to develop and grow.

Do you want to attack the next set, knowing that it will drain your energy, burn your muscles and leave you in a state of fatigue? Or would you rather get involved in a conversation across the room and spend the next 5 minutes chilling and having a laugh? It can be difficult to endure a moment of suffering for a long term goal when that easy short term option is dangling right in front of you. It is not hard to understand why many shy away from the difficult action that needs to be done in lieu of something more familiar and comfortable.

If you are a busy person, this simply isn’t okay! You and your time are far more valuable than you allow.

Those that maximise their time are presented with the same opportunities to stop, be distracted and waste their time - however, they focus on the task at hand, block everything out and go after the actions that get them where they want and need to be.

This isn’t about you becoming an anti-social gym robot. It’s about you knowing what you want and ensuring that your actions meet it. Time is precious, don’t sink it into short term gratification, channel it into long term success.


Ther are a few little systems we can put in place to help you make the best use of your time.

1. Set a session goal.

Go into the gym knowing what you want to come out with.

What would have to take place for you to deem that session successful? Perhaps you want to hit a personal best on every exercise? Maybe you want to finish your session within a specific timeframe?

All you need is something to measure your focus on.

2. Mitigate distractions.

Are you prone to extending your rest times because you are talking to your buddy? Set a timer.

Do people bother you when you are mid-session? Wear headphones.

Do you find yourself on social media in the gym? Set your phone on aeroplane mode and block out the notifications.

This is the art of anticipation. Look ahead and see what could get in your way - the solutions will then present themselves.

3. Set a schedule

Not just for the gym or food prep, but for the fun stuff too. That way you can dedicate yourself fully to one task at a time, rather than procrastinating or diverting attention. That way, when you are relaxing/having fun etc you can enjoy it without feeling guilty.

4. Remember - you are human.

It is hard to focus, so don't be annoyed if you get distracted. Acknowledge the long term goal and understand that the short-term gratification of losing focus, while understandable, will not help you achieve what you truly want. You don’t have to be a robot about it, but you do need to play the long game.


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