Why are you going to the gym? Why do those exercises? Why do that many reps and sets? Why are you resting for that long? How come you haven’t done that exercise that everyone says you should do? Why are you lifting weights? Why are you doing cardio?

Why are you eating that? How is that going to help you with your goal? Do you even have a goal? Why didn’t you buy something healthier? Shouldn’t you have bought more of that? What will you do if you run out of time? Could your effort be better directed?

Head = Explode!

People with a plan can answer all of these questions. Some people leave that to their coach and focus purely on the execution. That's a great way to save on time and works great. Others, even those with coaches, like to know every detail and it helps them execute - that is also great.

Plans add context. No single session or meal is responsible for who you are or what you accomplish. Without a plan, every session or meal loses impact. There is nothing to take that action forwards and run to its potential.

Proceed without context and you are wasting your time.

We are going to create your plan so you don't need to worry about that. We will dig into all the details and find answers to the questions above. that been said, it is important that if you are confused by any element of your plan, that you ask for clarity. Those that understand their plan, tend to carry it out better (generally speaking).

We will do our best to let you know what you need to know when you need it. After all, who wants to be bombarded with loads of information!

In the meantime, be confident in the fact that you will have a plan. that puts you in a far better position to succeed.