If you listened to everyone, you wouldn’t eat anything. Every food group has been demonised, giving you cancer or making you fat. Unfortunately, people do some surface-level studying and get wrapped up in slogans and falling into tribal ‘diet gangs’. They claim that things are addictive, immoral or make you fat - They often don’t know what they are talking about. This can be incredibly limiting to someone looking to fuel their body for the better. If you don’t adhere to the information, you are seen to be bad, cheating or guilty. No wonder people struggle to stick to a plan, make better choices and feel good about themselves.

People, unfortunately, want you to agree with them and support their own actions, rather than help you find your own way. This ‘posturing’ has a lot to answer for!

The good news is - what you eat is YOUR business.

Everyone will have an opinion on it, but you need to eat in a way that makes you happy and enhances your life. Full stop!

Food truly does have the potential to make you look better, feel better and function better. This can be done even under strict budgets or busy schedules. It is possible, but it is different for everyone. What worked for your pal, may not work for you.

The BearWolf Method addresses the details of a person lifestyle but has broad, basic strokes that are covered first.

In order to have food enhance your life, there are two elements that you will need to address.

QUALITY - The foods you select, the variety, where they come from, how they taste.

QUANTITY - The amounts you eat them in and the balance.

Taken to the extreme, they can be limiting. But as we say time and time again, better NOT perfection.

Fuelling mind and body is a real skill. Our lives are some complex and easily thrown out of a routine, that it can be hard to find solutions to problems on the fly.

We use our 'Eat Like a BearWolf' document as the basis of our process, but the subtle differences from person to person will vary. All you need to worry about is that you understand the changes and why they are beneficial. It can get confusing, so please ask your coach if you are ever unsure - no matter how big or small.